The World Youth and Student Travel Conference (WYSTC) is the world’s leading trade event for the for the youth, student and educational travel industry. Bringing together the leading buyers and sellers of youth travel product, top service providers and industry thought leaders, WYSTC has been the go-to event for the global community of youth travel professionals for more than 30 years. WYSTC provides an unparalleled international platform for contracting, networking, learning and collaboration, with a diverse range of seminars, workshops and panel discussions covering the latest trends and developments in youth travel. Join us in Lisbon, Portugal this September for three days of pre-scheduled business appointments, professional development, and networking with the pioneers of the youth travel industry at WYSTC. The perfect place to gain insights, forge new partnerships and expand your horizons.

Start Date

September 12, 2023

End Date

September 15, 2023





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Tell everyone:
-If you're coming (individually or company)
-If your company is open to share a booth
-If your company organise drinks during the event
-Where is the afterparty 😉
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