TIS Seville

TIS – Tourism Innovation Summit is the perfect platform to boost your business with a new focus based on specific trends, products and solutions for each industry segment: smart destinations, hotels, travel & mobility, distribution channels, activities & attractions, MICE, business travel, and leisure & culture travel. Get a 50% discount on Silver and Golden passes with the code: 332J7

Start Date

October 18, 2023

End Date

October 20, 2023





Write a post
Tell everyone:
-If you're coming (individually or company)
-If your company is open to share a booth
-If your company organise drinks during the event
-Where is the afterparty 😉
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Recent posts

Meet me in Seville!

Eva Fayemi



Eva and I will be there as visitors and we want to meet you for a coffee or a beer! Let us know if you will be there, so we can schedule some time :)

Ruben Westmeijer


Bond Agency